This section documents all the available XML syntax in order to help you create your own Sapelli project. The section begins with the SapelliCollectorProject element which contains all the other elements within a project. The Form element which acts as a traditional paper form to collect data, and consists of various Fields to do so. And finally, the Field types which allow for the collection of specific types of data. The image on the left illustrates how Sapelli XML elements can be nested within each other in order to create a project.
Each section will list the available attributes for the element. Sometimes certain attributes are required within an element, but many are optional and allow you to fine-tune the functionality of your project to make it most relevant to your users and yourself.
Note that a Page has the purpose to display several Fields in a single screen or ‘Page’ and does not collect any data itself. A Page can contain the same elements as a Form, except for another Page (i.e. no nested Pages).