The conventional jump attribute will take the user to another field within the project, click here for more information on this. However, rather than jumping between fields, special jumps encode a specific functionality. Special jumps are always written in capital letters and begin with an underscore i.e. jump=”_LOOPPROJ”. Here are the different functionalities of special jumps:
- _LOOPPROJ : clear all data for the current form (remember that a project contains one or more forms and therefore data collected within other forms will be preserved) and start the project again from the beginning
- _EXITAPP : clear all data for the current form and close the Sapelli data collection application
- _LOOPFORM : clear all data for this form and start it again from the beginning
- _PREVFORM : clear all data for this form and return to the previous form
- _NEXTFORM : clear all data for this form and move to the next form
- _END : clear all data for this form and start the project again from the beginning
By default, executing any of these jumps will cause the user’s progress in the current form to be discarded. If you wish to save the user’s progress before the jump is executed, this must be specified by prefixing each jump keyword with SAVE+. For example: _SAVE+LOOPFOM